Thursday, January 14, 2010

Late Night with Yung Berg

I've had a thing for Yung Berg since I heard "The Business" with Casha (the version without the stupid techno intro), cuz the bassline has its way of making me wanna let Berg boss me around.  His newest mixtape (cooked up with the help of DJ Ill Will and DJ RockstarThe Show, The Afterparty, and The Hotel dropped this month.  I'd categorize it as a solid compilation of sex jams peppered with some electro-experimental blurbs.  Overall, it's solid and worth a listen.  Yung Berg's got some pretty sweet flow goin that I'll like to see when it's brushed up on an album, and I'll admit there's a certain playlist that I'll be adding some select songs to...Here's a quick review of my thoughts after the first run-through.

Gotta love "Drop It" feat. Rockstar for the "Lollipop" samples, but here's the first instance of autotune on the mixtape.  It shows up a few more times (i.e. "Your Favorite Song," "Head to Toe"), and feels a little overdone when paired with overwhelming amphetamine-fed techno backdrops ("My Party").  I think autotune's on its way out, so I guess he's gotta use it while people will still tolerate it.  I've gotta say that it works for me on "In the Air" feat. K Young, though.  That'll definitely make the playlist.

Berg's got some solid flow for us, I'm impressed and will bump this shit for some serious boom-boom jams...but "What U On (I Been Gettin Money)"...Frere Jacques?  Really?  The song is saved when the beat drops and Berg comes in with the verse, but I had enough of the nursery rhyme raps when "Chain Hang Low" came out.  Though, like "Chain," I could still see people blasting this from car windows.  Fortunately, the quality of Berg's nursery experiment is much higher, so if it makes the ridiculous "hip-pop" chart, it'll probably have more staying power. 

My favorite tracks: "Blowin Money" feat. Rockstar & K Smith, "#1" feat. Rockstar (yeah I'll get corny and add this as a boner jam, don't hate), "One Chance" (solid beat, sweet flow, one of those "on my grind jams" that you can't help but love), "Be My Girl" feat. Cash, K Young & Ray J (generally killer track...funny that i love this, the drums in the back are...exactly?...the same as "The Business"), "Take It Off" feat. K Smith, "Give It To Ya" (serious flow), "Break U Off"

Yung Berg's mixtape shows that he certainly does it best in the Hotel (purrrrrr), and I don't think he'd have it any other way.

You can download The Show, The Afterparty, and The Hotel mixtape here.

"I told you I got everything you need, baby" -Yung Berg feat. K Smith, "Take It Off"

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